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100% Flea Control (Part 2)

Pet professionals such as groomers (who deal with dozens of flea-infested animals every day) don't have fleas in their own homes. What do they know that you don't know? Nothing, if you read these articles about flea control.

The Secret

It's not really a secret. It's something no one wants to know. Treating your pets is not enough!

New pet treatments have added to the arsenal of weapons available for fighting fleas, but the battle must still be fought on 3 fronts in both the Present and the Future: Pets, House and Yard: Now and Tomorrow.

Pets act like small mine-sweepers, collecting hatched and hungry fleas from everywhere. Treating the pets is essential for their own comfort as well as to kill any errant fleas entering the area from afar.

You simply cannot allow a single flea to survive in your or your pet's, environment if you want to live a life free of allergies, disease, and irritation.

The yard is the most arduous task, but you MUST treat the area outdoors with just as much determination as you treat the pets and house.

If you neglect ONE place in your yard, car, garage, summer house, winter house or chateau on the Riviera, fleas will ultimately come back to occupy all of these locations and more.

Previous:  100% Flea Control (Part 1)

Continue:  100% Flea Control (Part 3)