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100% Flea Control (Part 4)

Pet professionals such as groomers (who deal with dozens of flea-infested animals every day) don't have fleas in their own homes. What do they know that you don't know? Nothing, if you read these articles about flea control.

House treatments are safer and easier than ever.


Now that the pets appear more comfortable, begin the search & destroy missions.

Carpet Aerosols

Adulticides kill adult populations of fleas, and carpet spray adulticide aerosols are the easiest and often most effective treatments. There's no mixing. Plus, the most sophisticated contain both the exterminating and the egg-inhibiting ingredients in one application. A well-armed army will have a carpet aerosol in its weapons room.


Foggers also contain adulticides and are very convenient for treating large, open areas. But they lack the ability to treat under large pieces of furniture such as beds or tables, thus leaving some areas untreated. Use in them only if you also use an aerosol for hard-to-reach places.

Insect Growth Regulators

No army should ever fight without an Insect Growth Regulator! Without it, you may take the high ground, but you'll never be able to hold it. Insect Growth Regulators render any live fleas unable to reproduce. Consider again that one reproducing flea can have a trillion offspring, and the challenge becomes clear. When you're fighting an enemy with the ability to replace its troops with fresh fighters at that rate, a weapon to stop reproduction is an obvious necessity.

The better aerosols and foggers already contain the Insect Growth Regulator ingredients for one-step application. Better still, treat your house with a liquid preparation of PURE Insect Growth Regulator BEFORE you have a flea problem, and the battle will be won before you even have to fight.


Powders usually contain ingredients such as diatomaceous earth, Boric Acid, and De-Limonene which kill fleas by physically assaulting their outer body or stomach. They can be very effective and environmentally-friendly, but they often leave the battlefield messy or dusty. Use depends on your available time and sensitivity to chemicals.

Previous Week:  100% Flea Control (Part 3)

Continue:  100% Flea Control (Part 5)