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100% Flea Control (Part 6)

Pet professionals such as groomers (who deal with dozens of flea-infested animals every day) don't have fleas in their own homes. What do they know that you don't know? Nothing, if you read these articles about flea control.

FCIA: Flea Control Intelligence Agency

Armed with information about how fleas travel and reproduce, its not such a daunting task to pick off the small, the few, and the lonely that are looking for a host.

Flea Snipers Lurk in Every Blade of Grass

Hungry stragglers will necessarily jump onto your pets where they feast on a blood meal before laying eggs. If you've diligently and routinely used an Insect Growth Regulator in the environment the reproductive cycle is broken and these few are the last of the enemy troops. Weekly baths with new all-in-one shampoos (if you like a squeaky clean dog) or monthly spot treatments will kill the little snipers dead.

Previous Week: 100% Flea Control (Part 5)

Continues: 100% Flea Control (Part 7)