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100% Flea Control (Part 8)

Pet professionals such as groomers (who deal with dozens of flea-infested animals every day) don't have fleas in their own homes. What do they know that you don't know? Nothing, if you read these articles about flea control.

Comfort the Survivors

Damage Control

Those most likely wounded during the battle are your pets. If you've used the right products, damage from friendly fire has been kept to a minimum. But, flea allergies are one of the most pervasive and expensive by-products of flea infestation, and are a direct result of flea bites.

Flea Allergic Dermatitis:

Flea Allergy for short. When your pet begins to chew raw or hairless areas, particularly between his hip bones or down the rear of his legs, it is often a sign of a developing incurable skin condition caused by flea bites. Advanced cases often require steroidal injections which, while providing relief can be quite damaging to your pet over the long run; not to mention the horrendous expense of frequent veterinary visits.

Complete protection from flea bites is the only real solution. However, some immediate relief from the itchy symptoms comes in the form of sulfur, oatmeal, coal-tar, and hydrocortisone shampoos and sprays.

Sulfur-type shampoos soothe the irritation, coal tars stop the skin secretions, hydrocortisone relieves the itch, and oatmeal will help to seal the moisture back into your pet's skin to start the healing process.

Previous Week:  100% Flea Control (Part 7)
